The Blog

You honestly won’t be able to guess what I’ll write about next…. sign up with your email to become a part of it all!

here are some of my articles:

I must post an update! So here we are!

Ciao!!  So, I’ve lived the first few months of my twenties and wowieeee there’s so much to discuss. First year uni exams came and went, with a little too much lingering. But happening all around the little to no revision that I ended up doing was a dance of friendship, romance and very strange but…

a 20 year old’s ode to friendship

Dear blog, dear friends and family, i have turned 20! This is quite a milestone, the doubled double digits.  I have felt very existential, mostly in February when the idea of having ‘my last month as a teenager’ dawned upon my super comfortable and settled brain. But now I know everything will be okay and…

Kaneko Ayano – ‘people and their thing’

I wrote this a couple of days ago when I went to a little gig by this amazing Japanese singer-songwriter called Kaneko Ayano. I realised that writing songs that are filled with love and hope is her thing, and I’m happy it is. I am inspired tonight – Kaneko ayano has inspired me! A small woman…

Sun and Moon Poem

I am the sun and I am the moon. These words might have been written before, but I don’t have the energy to check. I am the rain on my own window, constantly falling against my own walls. I am the clouds that haze away any sense of confidence, though I can be bright like…


Hi all!!! Been a while! Lets set up today’s little scene,  I’m finishing up drafting this post on my bedroom floor and listening to one of my best friends co-host a radio show, isn’t that so cool? It’s inspiring really. I’m wondering if I should nip out and get a coffee from the Cally before…


This is a very loose blog post, I might lose myself a bit so be warned!!!! AND TRY NEW THINGS!!! – I bought two charm bracelets yesterday, they were £3 each from Cancer Research and I bought them because I had a vision. A ‘vision’ is a little dramatic but let’s say I saw potential…

Nostalgia (part 1)

Can I express nostalgia for the child I used to be? Spending time by the sea, in the glens, jumping rivers in the rain? Now I live in the city. I don’t sit in the garden for hours, I don’t pick daisies and I don’t search for lucky four-leaf clovers I don’t have a stray…

Some snippets of today- 24/01/2023

6:50pm You know a painting is complete when the artist signs their name. But I signed a painting today and then noticed some unfinished areas had been left unnoticed. I think its alright to go back to your painting even when you find that it actually isn’t complete yet. But the thing is, with that,…

Poem after a Long Bath.

I am trees, wooden beams The mist on the bathroom mirror My bedroom door. I wish to be small so my worries are small too. I wish to have big ears so I can listen more carefully. I wish to know answers and what to do. I wish my goals had targets, so I had…

Childhood Toys

Did you have a childhood toy? If so, does its memory mean anything to you now? Mine was a beagle which I named ‘Fluffy Fun’. I lost him forever on a family holiday when I was 7 or 8 years old (shedding many tears), but I’ll always remember his impact on my personality. How did…


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